
With the goal of achieving a genuine..
With the goal of achieving a genuinely Common European Asylum System (CEAS), the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) launched a mobile app for smartphones and tablets, providing ..
The ECDC Threat Reports app gives yo..
The ECDC Threat Reports app gives you direct access to key updates and reports on communicable disease threats of concern to the EU. Search by specific disease or virus – from avia..
Facts. Analysis. Insight. Foresight...
Facts. Analysis. Insight. Foresight. This app gives you access to all the publications and infographics published by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). As the in-h..
Smart Radio Monitor (SRM) is a Europ..
Smart Radio Monitor (SRM) is a European Commission crowdsourcing project designed to gather and share radio spectrum data about mobile telephony coverage, Wi-Fi channel occupancy, ..
Do we have a qualified majority? Sim..
Do we have a qualified majority? Simulate a vote at the Council of the EU with the voting calculator It's always been difficult to check whether the Council of the European Union h..
Cyber Chronix is an edutainment tool..
Cyber Chronix is an edutainment tool to raise awareness about data protection and fundamental rights among the youngsters in the format of interactive comics. It is a branching gam..
The EU CBRNE Glossary is the EU offi..
The EU CBRNE Glossary is the EU official glossary on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive risks (CBRNE). It is an information tool for practitioners informatio..
Events@EU is the companion App to Eu..
Events@EU is the companion App to European Commission Event. As a conference attendee to a European Commission event, check your registration, your personal agenda, speaker bios, u..
This App offers mobile access to the..
This App offers mobile access to the CEPOL LEED eLearning platform. It provides training content to registered Law Enforcement officials across the EU Member States and other count..
Nora, Barend, Ana and João are consi..
Nora, Barend, Ana and João are considering moving to another European country. But which country has an environment that is up to Nora's high standards? Where can Barend find a wel..
Walking Challenge is a campaign to p..
Walking Challenge is a campaign to promote walking and running as a mode of transport. During the whole period of the campaign, colleagues across the EU Institutions and EU schools..
The app provides information on relo..
The app provides information on relocation to asylum seekers who are in clear need of international protection from Greece and Italy to another European state. The aim of this app ..
欧盟宪章应用程序是移动设备的基本权利一站式商店。它以移动友好的格式提供了所有官方语言的《欧盟基本权利宪章》文本。它还逐条提供定期更新的信息: -相关的欧盟和国际法 -欧洲法院 ..
欧盟宪章应用程序是移动设备的基本权利一站式商店。它以移动友好的格式提供了所有官方语言的《欧盟基本权利宪章》文本。它还逐条提供定期更新的信息: -相关的欧盟和国际法 -欧洲法院 (ECJ) 和欧洲人权法院 (ECtHR) 和直接提及《宪章》条款之一的国家判例法 -FRA相关出版物 有关此应用程序的更多信息,请联系: info@fra.europa.eu
Connect to Europe's one million loca..
Connect to Europe's one million local politicians and get the latest from the EU body representing cities and regions across the continent. The mobile app of the European Committee..
The Innovation Radar is a European C..
The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative to identify high potential innovations and innovators in EU-funded research and innovation framework programmes.
如果您想了解欧盟及其合作伙伴正在您的国家/地区举办哪些活动,那么这正是您所需要的应用程序。 本应用程序由欧盟对外行动署开发,包含在全世界举行的面向公众开放的活动的完整列表。 儿..
如果您想了解欧盟及其合作伙伴正在您的国家/地区举办哪些活动,那么这正是您所需要的应用程序。 本应用程序由欧盟对外行动署开发,包含在全世界举行的面向公众开放的活动的完整列表。 儿童活动、展览、会议和培训交流会只是该应用程序提供的一部分内容。所以,无论您是属于想要深入了解欧盟的家庭,还是有兴趣前往欧盟学习的学生,亦或是想尝试最大限度地寻找商业机会的中小型企业,本..
Use the European Road Safety App to ..
Use the European Road Safety App to find all important road safety rules before going abroad or while on the road in Europe. Entertain your passenger(s) with two fun games about ro..
If you've ever been stranded at a Eu..
If you've ever been stranded at a European airport or had your luggage lost by an airline, you can now use this mobile app to check your rights immediately, on the spot. Launched b..
欧盟理事会应用程序专为代表,活动受邀者和公众而设计,将使用户可以访问布鲁塞尔和卢森堡理事会大楼中发生的活动和会议的信息。该应用程序将包括有关会议的详细信息 (时间,地点和议程)..
欧盟理事会应用程序专为代表,活动受邀者和公众而设计,将使用户可以访问布鲁塞尔和卢森堡理事会大楼中发生的活动和会议的信息。该应用程序将包括有关会议的详细信息 (时间,地点和议程) 和与会者的实用信息 (认证,交通和开放时间)。地图将帮助用户找到通往建筑物,会议室和其他设施 (咖啡设施,厕所,代表团办公室等) 的路。
“反思欧洲”是欧洲区域委员会发起的一项倡议,旨在为公民提供一个空间,就欧盟应该是什么样的组织提出自己的想法、想法和意见。主要目的是听取和报告地方一级对布鲁塞尔和欧盟机构的反馈意见,并为当前对欧盟未来的反思做出贡献。 名为“对欧洲有发言权”的“反思欧洲”应用程序使您能够通过对欧洲未来的调查发表意见,查看调查结果为所有欧盟国家在您选择的语言,并发现过去和未来的地..
欧洲团结团是欧洲联盟的一项新举措,旨在使18至30岁的年轻人能够在欧洲各地参与与团结有关的项目。这可以是作为志愿者,受训者,甚至可以是从事以团结为主题的项目的有薪员工。 在此版..
欧洲团结团是欧洲联盟的一项新举措,旨在使18至30岁的年轻人能够在欧洲各地参与与团结有关的项目。这可以是作为志愿者,受训者,甚至可以是从事以团结为主题的项目的有薪员工。 在此版本中,您可以: • 使用与您创建欧洲团结团注册相同的欧盟登录帐户或社交媒体帐户登录。 • 查看和编辑您的欧洲团结团简介 • 链接到欧洲团结团主要网站上的学..
你在另一个欧洲国家找工作吗?你愿意在国外生活和工作并改善你的工作前景吗?那么这个应用程序是给你的。EURES是欧洲就业服务机构,将整个欧洲的求职者与雇主联系起来。此应用程序允许您直接在您的手机上受益于此服务。您可以: -搜索所有公共就业服务部在欧洲发布的工作,任何语言。 -将工作标记为 “青睐”,并稍后轻松访问它们,或与您的朋友分享。 -找到并联..
这个应用程序是由欧盟委员会内部科学服务联合研究中心开发的。其目的是使公众 (业余爱好者和专业人士) 能够接收和共享有关欧洲外来入侵物种 (IAS) 的信息。 具体来说,该应用程..
这个应用程序是由欧盟委员会内部科学服务联合研究中心开发的。其目的是使公众 (业余爱好者和专业人士) 能够接收和共享有关欧洲外来入侵物种 (IAS) 的信息。 具体来说,该应用程序的目的是: 1) 允许使用公民手机的GPS系统和手机的摄像头记录入侵物种的发生; 2) 提供有关选定数量的IAS的信息 (图片,简短说明,附加有用信息); 3) 培养公民对国际会计准..
水项目工具包应用程序 (WPT应用程序) 提供关于在发展中世界实施水和卫生项目的最佳做法的指导和信息。 WPT应用程序可以访问必要的分析工具,以评估项目区域中的特定上下文,问题..
水项目工具包应用程序 (WPT应用程序) 提供关于在发展中世界实施水和卫生项目的最佳做法的指导和信息。 WPT应用程序可以访问必要的分析工具,以评估项目区域中的特定上下文,问题和需求,以及操作清单,以指导您在整个项目生命周期。 使用WPT导航器通过选择您的部门 (水资源管理,基本服务,市政服务,农业,能源和部门绩效) 和项目阶段 (规划,识别,制定,实施和评..
If you were Prime Minister…
享受我们的教育模拟游戏,解释和促进税收教育! 你现在在塔斯兰迪亚,一个欧洲小国,有华丽的山脉和清澈的蓝色湖泊。作为一个受欢迎的旅游目的地,在经济蓬勃发展,一个税收最少的国家,塔斯兰迪亚现在面临着前所未有的危机。很多公司搬了总部,旅游业减少了。去年当局承认是增税的时候了。很快,一场非官方的 “税收叛乱” 开始了。 现在你被任命为塔斯兰迪亚的新总理!..
Velomai is a month-long campaign to ..
Velomai is a month-long campaign to promote cycling as a mode of transport. During the whole month of May, colleagues across the EU Institutions and EU schools will challenge each ..
This handy app is the perfect tool f..
This handy app is the perfect tool for those wishing to stay up-to-date on the work of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It provides easy access to the latest decisions o..
Designed for Members of the European..
Designed for Members of the European Parliament, the MEP Welcome app will give users mobile access to practical information, to an agenda of the various types of meetings (part ses..
Happy Onlife, play and learn online ..
Happy Onlife, play and learn online safety. You can now learn how to behave safely in the digital world by playing the Happy Onlife game. This engaging game aims at supporting chil..
netBravo is a European Commission cr..
netBravo is a European Commission crowd-sourcing project designed to gather and share radio spectrum data about mobile telephony coverage, WIFI channel occupancy, broadband and net..
The EU Login app is developed by EC ..
The EU Login app is developed by EC DIGIT.D.3 to facilitate your day-to-day authentication. Once you have registered your device with your EU Login account, authentication can be d..