
Have a fun time with this satisfying..
Have a fun time with this satisfying drawing game! Drag to draw objects. Watch the objects fall. Create traps and stop all the thieves! Do you ever want to create various traps to ..
Jump between barriers and rise your ..
Jump between barriers and rise your core up! Don’t stop to jump and rise your core up. Hundreds of different barriers are waiting for you. Try to pass them all. Enjoyable design an..
你喜欢竞速与追逐吗?在《直线竞速》中你必须逃离追逐,突破警察的封锁乃至摧毁城市!使用一切手段来成为最强赛车手吧! 特征 - 令人上瘾的赛车游戏 - 简单方便的一指控制 - 真正的街头赛车氛围 - 许多汽车,城市和轨道 - 漂亮的超休闲图形 - 丰厚的奖励和礼物 控制你的速度 漂移,滑动,及时击中油门!如果你走得太快,你会下线,警察会抓住你的! 检查所有汽车 ..
Do you like motorbikes and car racin..
Do you like motorbikes and car racing? How about drawing your own track? Draw Track – Draw a track for your motorcycle! New generation of games raises the idea of interactive to a ..
Spin Boss: Coins Collector is an exc..
Spin Boss: Coins Collector is an exciting free game where you should earn coins. Become a coin master – learn how to get and spend them! You’ll find tons of amazing challenges in t..
Еhere is no smoke without fire. Burn..
Еhere is no smoke without fire. Burn to be the best. Earn points to get new cars and back again. All you will find: - Stunning cars - Dizzying tracks - Glorious victories - Burning..
Command your mini legions!
A whole army of brave soldiers ready for battle is at your disposal! Are you brave enough to stand up against plenty of dangerous enemies? Can you manage your army so it defeats yo..
Crush different types of asmr object..
Crush different types of asmr objects and feel the satisfaction. Tap and hold to move and compete with the opponent. Be careful, on track appear obstacles too.
Bend the laws of physics and blast y..
Bend the laws of physics and blast your way through the quantum universe to shrink even smaller! The fate of the world lies in your hands (even though they are small now). Be caref..
Build and automate your factories, m..
Build and automate your factories, manage your idle profits & become the most famous industrial tycoon in history! Welcome to Idle Factories Builder where your goal is to build..
Zombies ain't stupid like plants! Pl..
Zombies ain't stupid like plants! Play as the walking dead & use your rotten brains to convert all the enemies into the crowd of zombies! Zombie Horde is a new fun zombie game ..
Please note: this is just a first ve..
Please note: this is just a first version of the game. We are looking forward to releasing cool updates In the realm of wizardry filled with danger at every step, a young apprentic..
Interesting levels & adventure
Can't get enough solitaire and card game action? Then welcome to TriPeaks Cards: Solitaire Game! An all new solitaire full of fun brain teasers and tons of levels with cool graphic..
Alarm! Titans have invaded the city!..
Alarm! Titans have invaded the city! There is nobody who can stop them, but you! What are you waiting for? Get up off the couch, put on your tight latex suit and start fighting gia..
Spin & raid to earn coins!
New crazy and awesome game – Time Master! Become a coin master! Travel across different islands and locations. Spin the slot machine's reel and get gold coins in the Time Master ga..
In the blue corner, weighing in at s..
In the blue corner, weighing in at staggering 500 poundsPunch Boooob! Maybe he doesn’t look like a hero, maybe he’s a couple of pounds overweight, maybe he’s out of breath just sta..
切切忍者是一个简单、让人欲罢不能的街机游戏,包含切片拼图元素,是最完美的间谍超级英雄游戏之一。 把自己变为搏击和抛掷大师!成为闪电武士先生或者真正的忍者! 在我们的游戏中,您可以选择用武士刀近战,或者用匕首或者炸弹进行远程攻击。 忍者可以跳跃到任何你想的地方!进行偷袭,成为切切大师! 不过,你需要小心规划行动,把握好时机,因为有陷阱在等着你,你必须避免它们。..
一同在《除草大作战》游戏世界中与杂草对抗吧。你会需要操控使用割草机的角色,并在这款除草游戏中,尽快铲除庭院中的杂草!在区域内四处移动、修剪灌木丛,并收集藏在杂草丛生深处的水果与蔬菜。 你认为这款游戏相当容易是吗?想得美哟!杂草可是时刻在生长的啊!你需要为你的草坪除草,并协助你的邻居收成灌木丛中的作物。快驾驶一台涡轮除草机、迅速铲除杂草,并拯救庭院吧! 有许多..
《火柴人布娃娃斗士》是一款超上瘾的格斗游戏!在真实感十足的战斗中击败全部对手一边享受畅快的游戏体验。做好战斗准备,磨练自己的战斗技巧并打败敌人来保持生存! 如果你想找到一款出色的火柴人格斗游戏,那《火柴人布娃娃斗士》就是你的不二之选!游戏的动作控制十分简单——用摇杆操控英雄,点击屏幕来击打对手。一边收集史诗战级利品边敌人缩减寿命。 成为火柴人格斗界的超级英雄..
你是谁?救世主还是冒牌货?选择你的游戏角色,并在这刺激的全新游戏《猎杀冒牌货:大火燎城》中达成你的目标。 你可以选择成为叛徒,或是当个救世主,并出现在建筑物已被大火吞噬的城市街区世界中。 请留意,若你选择成为叛徒混杂在玩家之中——在你消灭掉其他玩家的同时,千万不要暴露身份! 请记住,绝不能让别人追杀到你。 若你决定当个救世主,别忘了四处看看——叛徒可在你忙着..
我们之中隐藏着生化人!谁会保护世界并为人类抵御他们的进攻?快去展现你的勇气吧!在《磁力:炸弹大师3D》 中击败他们! 这是你挑战自我的机会,在《磁力:炸弹大师3D》中击败所有坏人并取得荣誉!你必须向敌人投掷你的磁力炸弹并一举摧毁他们!证明你高超的技术,并让生化人知道谁才是英雄与最强的炸弹大师!成群的生化人会在游戏中攻击你。你要为自己的磁铁充电、瞄准并攻击这些..
《绘画英雄3D》是一款全新解谜游戏,在游戏中,你必须消灭世界上的各种盗贼与丧尸。你的主要目标是画出合适的武器并将所有敌人赶出关卡。做出正确的选择、选择合适的武器形状并打爆所有敌人。锻炼你的脑力并做好准备来迎接最狡猾的敌人。 如何游玩 《画画英雄3D》? 使用手指画出合适的武器来解决坏人并拯救世界。不过小心了——你在屏幕上能够用来画出形状与武器的空间不多,请善..
Defeat enemies in a shot!
机器人来袭——扣下扳机迎战它们吧!在精彩的《枪械大师3D》中拿起武器并射击它们! 如果你喜欢关于无敌刺客的动作电影和游戏,那《枪械大师3D》会非常适合你!挑战自己并在通往荣耀的路上消灭所有敌人!在《枪械大师3D》中,你必须证明你的专业技能并展现你才是最厉害的战士和特工!游戏开始后,你将被一大群机器人围攻!举枪射击它们:一一消灭所有机器人来求生!别忘了拯救人质..
Hey, King! Your mine craft land is i..
Hey, King! Your mine craft land is invaded by warlike settlers refusing to vacate your territory amicably. Well, if the conflict is inevitable, fuel it! Grab your bow and flaming a..
挥洒你的创造力!画些简单的形状,来填补图画中空缺的部分吧。 现在,就由你来决定图画最终完成时的模样了。从这2至4种不同的形状中选择一个来绘画,并瞧瞧有趣的结果吧。别害怕,大胆地改造所有的图画吧,就算是著名的《蒙娜丽莎》也没什么不可以! 《绘画大师》是一款饶富娱乐又简单明了的绘画游戏,而且老少咸宜!只要试着在屏幕上重复画些简单的形状来填补图画就可以! 这些就是..
Do you think you are a paintball mas..
Do you think you are a paintball master? Prove your skills in the new fun first-person shooter game – Paintball Shoot 3DKnock Them All. Grab your paintball gun and color everyone a..
Aim, throw knives, hit target!
蔬菜、水果席捲而來!在這全新的《快斬番茄 3D》遊戲中將他們通通切成碎片吧! 陰險的水果及蔬菜決定報復廚師,並將他們當作人質。你的任務就是解救他們!拋擲刀具、大砲射擊、掃除障礙,並解救他們吧!但當心點:在遊戲當中,你也會面對許多強壯又非常危險的大魔王!抓起你的刀具,挺進戰鬥吧! 留意這些油桶:你可一陣撲擊,強力快斬,消滅所有敵人!但當心點——你的敵人正向你移..
- Addictive Gameplay. - Easy to play..
- Addictive Gameplay. - Easy to play, hard to master. - Try to beat all the levels. Enjoy
Incremental health simulator!
Welcome to Frenzied Hospital! Here your job is to build up your own hospital and turn it into a health care empire. This simulator will get you feeling like a real tycoon! Take car..
Move stickmen to netherworld!
在《传送门英雄3D》中将所有坏人送往冥界! 《传送门英雄3D》是一款全新动作命中大师游戏,你必须在其中击败你的敌人并借助传送门将其送往另一个世界。在史诗休闲游戏《传送门英雄3D》中挑战自我。一旦游戏开始,大量机器人和外星人将会对你展开攻击,你必须使用魔法手套来将敌人赶出我们的星球。在这款命中大师游戏中,使用手套射击、生成传送门并击败他们。 这款游戏比你想像的..
立即进入这个充满跑者与拼图的游戏世界,加入我们,一起来场有趣的冒险!你喜欢好玩的游乐场与耐力竞速游戏吗?或者,你想利用拼图游戏来测试自己的逻辑思维?那么《派对配对乐:别跌倒啦》这款游戏绝对很适合你!此游戏结合在巨大又具毁灭性的竞技场上奔跑,与破解有趣的任务! 游戏玩法相当简单:仔细盯着屏幕,将上面的图片与竞技场上正确的砖块相互配对,并占据该砖块便可取得胜利!..
Be the last on the arena! Ten players and only one winner!
Be the last on the arena! Ten players and only one winner!
Be a mad scientist!
Complete experiments and discover new elements in this addictive and super satisfying science lab simulation! - Mix colors in test tubes to match targets! - Watch out for explosion..
小心!你被包围了!想要突出重围,你必须战胜一群群想要抓住你的火柴人。 你能用的武器不是枪枝或刀剑,而是磁铁球。你必须使用智力与磁力来让布娃娃敌人撞上其他物品,或是直接击倒他们。 这比你想像的还要困难!随着你闯过各种关卡,你的敌人也将变得越来越强。赶快复习一下你在学校中学过的物理知识吧,然后找出用磁铁让火柴人撞向周围环境的最佳方式。 没办法让你的敌人倒地?没关..
Build the longest car at your own di..
Build the longest car at your own discretion. Extend your power with arena bonuses that will improve the performance, collect coins and increase your value for tuning. Sounds too e..
Get ready to dive into a Jurassic di..
Get ready to dive into a Jurassic dinosaur world full of danger and fun! Take control over a dinosaur, run through dozens of obstacles, clash with others in one of the most hilario..
Throw units from slingshot and defend you castle!
Throw units from slingshot and defend you castle!
An exciting stylish sniper game abou..
An exciting stylish sniper game about mafia clans wars. Are you ready to go back to the beginning of the XX century to take part in the grand mafia war between clans as a gunfighte..
《铁路国度》是一款放置游戏,您需要探索所有的火车,并开发自己的事业!快来成为铁路大亨,并享受一趟美丽的火车模拟游戏之旅! 利用城市及火车建筑开发您的城市火车站,并生产各种产品。您需要收集黄金、木材及石头以扩展铁路。连结铁路后,火车就能开始通过及运行。您便能获得营收。 若想开始建造您的放置帝国并成为大亨资本家,手指轻轻一点即可掌控!轻点画面并管理口袋版小型资本..
人人都听过大海妖肆意摧毁船舰导致水手葬身大海的故事。但那都是谣言而已!来玩玩我们的盗贼解谜游戏,帮助海妖恢复名誉吧! 邪恶的海盗抓到了章鱼小八,打算把他做成晚餐。开动脑筋吧,海妖!指定好援救计划,在充满机关的迷宫中延伸的触手并拯救同类!别让海盗伤害它们! 在这款脑力锻炼游戏中你将扮演一只幼年海妖,尝试从狭窄的水族箱逃到开放水域中去。控制章鱼触手抓取食物并成长..
Build motorways between cities for c..
Build motorways between cities for cars to drive, manage traffic and earn more points to carry out even more transportation. Play State Connect to bridge all the new states territo..
Are you ready for the loudest shout ..
Are you ready for the loudest shout ever? Hopping Heads: Scream & Shout is here! Amazing game with outstanding gameplay and loads of fun. Let’s start! GAMEPLAY Controls are qui..
Let's clean Earth together!
Save nature! Get rid of the garbage and toxic waste in our forests, rivers, and fields. Make the planet green again! CLEAN GARBAGE Start your mission by simply clicking and tapping..
Do a perfect backflip on a bed
Do you feel tired to the bone? Do you miss a good sleep? It’s time to lose control over your body like a ragdoll and flip-flip-flip to your bed! In Home Flip: Crazy Jump Master you..
Magic color picture puzzles
Relaxing coloring art puzzle game that both kids and adults will love! Art Master: Jigsaw Puzzle is a new interesting wit puzzle and coloring game where you need to restore picture..
Pass round 6 to get the money!
Let the Cookie Carver: Life Challenge game start! Win levels and get chances to gain freedom and survive. Those who win will earn a cool prize! Games are known to everyone, they’re..
Match colored guys in tubes
Crowd Sort is a fun and challenging puzzle game! Try to sort the colored guys in the tubes until all colors are in the same color tubes? it's like a water sort puzzle. Be satisfied..
Mine, craft & build a shelter!
You had an accident and ended up on a desert island. To survive you will have to master skills such as mining, crafting, food getting, and building! You must survive by all means a..
準備好要在《黏液射手 3D:刺客出擊》這款遊戲中來場史詩級戰役了嗎? 各位劍術大師與間諜們,快磨利你們的寶劍,並裝填你們的槍械!是時候來一趟真正的歷險了!《黏液射手 3D:刺客出擊》是個有趣的遊樂場遊戲,結合了劍術及命中大師的遊戲類型!你喜歡向瞄準好的目標射出刀刃,或是用機關槍擊敗你的敵人呢?在《黏液射手 3D:刺客出擊》中,你可以選擇最適合自己的戰鬥風格!..
Who runs the world? Girls! It's high..
Who runs the world? Girls! It's high time to prove it, Sister! Download Girls Attack now and play one of the craziest join & clash running games ever! The Girl Attack gameplay ..