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休闲 动作


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Play the first part for free. Get access to the full game with an in-app purchase.

Be the last hope against the mutant infestation. Enter the aftermath of a scientific experiment gone horribly wrong.

Xenowerk™ comes from Pixelbite, the creators of Space Marshals. It is a top-down action shooter challenging your combat skills in an underground science lab. Descend deeper into the abyss and explore the tarnished levels. Armed with a flashlight as your main guidance, you’ll never know what’s lurking in the dark!

Your objective is to destroy all the nests and eliminate all mutants to prevent them from spreading.
Xenowerk™ has 70 levels to explore with increasing difficulty. As progressing through the game you’ll come across a growing number of mutants and expanding areas to cleanse.

Heavier firepower and thicker armor is critical to stay alive on your journey. Gather pickups from slain mutants to power up weapons and armor.

Xenowerk™ features a set of special powers to boost your offensive when you’re in need. Activate one or several at a time for a more effective way to wipe out mutants.

• Top-down action shooter
• Dual stick touch controls
• Beautifully rendered lighting and shadows
• Optimized for iOS 8 and Metal graphics!
• MFi controller support (requires extended layout)
• Wide range of weapons and gear
• Upgradable weapons
• Special Powers to enhance your gameplay
• Performance based rating system
• iCloud save game support
• Game Center Achievements & Leaderboards
• Social invites to challenge your friends
• Optional in-app credit packages to purchase
• English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Italiano, 简体中文, 한국어, 日本語, 繁体中文, русский, Português do Brasil

iPhone 5 or newer
iPad 3 or newer
iPod Touch 5 or newer

For support enquiries: support@pixelbite.se

Follow us on Twitter: @pixelbite
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pixelbite
For more epic games visit: http://www.pixelbite.se/


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