- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 1.1.3
- 大小:
- 13.5 MB
- 类型:
- 教育
- 平台:
- iOS
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2015-02-18
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- 北京医大爱思唯尔教育科技有限公司

该应用提供了从事口腔种植工作和口腔专业护士工作人员的远程继续教育信息的及时获取,用户通过app或网站上注册之后,可以在手机app上登录,获取到中华口腔医学会发布的面授培训项目的时间表和相关信息介绍,也在我的课程和播放记录页面上提供了部分公开的远程教育课程,在电脑PC上登录网站购买课程后,可以通过手机端app在我的课程页面上来学习购买过的课程,完成课后考试,加入收藏夹,查看学习情况等。 该app主要为手机端获取远程教育信息和电脑PC端网站的手机学习平台的补充。
Timely access to the application provides remote in the oral cavity planting work and oral professional nurse staff continuing education information, after registered users through app or website, can log on to app on the phone, access to the Chinese Stomatological Association released face-to-face training project schedule and relevant information, but also in my course and playing the record page provides part of open distance education courses in the computer logged in the PC web site to buy the course, may through the handset terminal app in my course pages up learning to buy the courses, finish after class exam, favorites, view learning condition etc.. Access to remote education information and computer PC end of the app website is mainly the mobile phone terminal mobile learning platform supplement.
App end temporarily not provide purchase curriculum function, the user can through the PC in the web site to buy, you can watch and learn the user in app “my course”. Because the video file is large, a direct call to the browser comes with a video player, in the first click on the video playback may need to wait for the cache time of 10 seconds, is improving.