The Wings II
“翅膀II” 移动应用程序包括以下信息: 俱乐部Apus信息,财产信息,移交信息,居民更新等。 俱乐部Apus信息 该应用程序的 “设施预订” 功能使您..
- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 1.0.1
- 大小:
- 25.4 MB
- 类型:
- 生活
- 平台:
- iOS
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2015-11-23
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Kai Shing Management Services
The Wings II应用截图
The Wings II应用简介
“The Wings II” Mobile Apps includes the following information: Club Apus Information, Property Information, Handover Information, Resident Update etc.
Club Apus Information
The “Facilities Booking” function of the app enables you to check the timetable and availability of every venue and facility in our Apus club.
Property Information
Residents can use our GPS map to find your own location within The Wing II.
Handover Information
It provides many information relating to property handover, including the required documents for the handover of the apartment and parking space, the handover procedure, property examination tips. It also includes details such as useful maintenance and repairing tips for the home appliances and contact method. Whether you’re at home or on business trips, you can log in to the apps anytime you want to check the latest update of resident information.
Resident Update
Our management team will notify all the registered residents of urgent information through this apps, those information might include: emergency power outage, suspension of gas or water supply, or special transportation arrangement.
“翅膀II” 移动应用程序包括以下信息: 俱乐部Apus信息,财产信息,移交信息,居民更新等。
该应用程序的 “设施预订” 功能使您能够检查我们Apus俱乐部中每个场馆和设施的时间表和可用性。
居民可以使用我们的GPS地图在Wing II内找到您自己的位置。
我们的管理团队将通过此应用程序通知所有注册居民的紧急信息,这些信息可能包括: 紧急停电,暂停供气或供水,或特殊运输安排。
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