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Improved instructions on how to use the app including how to add your own foods

Iron Counter and Tracker应用截图

【图】Iron Counter and Tracker(截图1)【图】Iron Counter and Tracker(截图2)【图】Iron Counter and Tracker(截图3)

Iron Counter and Tracker应用简介

Use this app to count, track, chart and control your iron intake, either to ensure you are eating enough to prevent iron deficiency and anemia (which is common among premenopausal women) or to restrict iron intake if you have hemochromatosis.
Use the count and organiser tools to keep a daily record and bar chart of the iron in mg and % recommended daily amount (RDA) provided by 250 heart healthy foods, 55 popular “not heart healthy” foods, and foods you choose to add to the app in the quantities you’ve eaten.
No internet connection, registration, personal details or additional payments required.


使用此应用程序计数,跟踪,图表和控制你的铁摄入量,无论是为了确保你吃足够的预防缺铁和贫血 (这是常见的绝经前妇女) 或限制铁的摄入量,如果你有血色病。
使用计数和组织者工具来记录铁的每日记录和条形图,由250心脏健康食品,55种流行的 “不心脏健康” 食品提供的每日记录和条形图,以及您选择以您吃过的数量添加到应用程序中的食物。

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Iron Counter and Tracker应用下载
