
924.3 KB


What's new in version 0.2? New stuff: - You now have the possibility to open articles in a new tab inside the feedly app! Default behavior is still the same (article links are opened inside you web browser), so modify your app preferences to try out the new feedly tab bar. Bug fixes: - Popups inside the app are now resized to fit their content. - Fix Buffer bug with login via Facebook or Twitter - Fix Pinterest bug where users can't pin images. - OPML file upload via the app is now supported. - Remove bounce behavior on scroll

feedly. Read more, know more应用截图

【图】feedly. Read more, know more.(截图1)【图】feedly. Read more, know more.(截图2)【图】feedly. Read more, know more.(截图3)

feedly. Read more, know more应用简介

The feedly app gathers the content of your favorite websites, blogs, Youtube channels and RSS feeds in one place.

It is the world’s #1 reader with more than 15 million users.

The feedly Mac app syncs seamlessly with the feedly iPhone app and the feedly iPad app so that you can read your favorite sites anytime, anywhere.

The feedly Mac app has a few super powers that the feedly web interface does not include.

1) You get to easily login with a Google or Twitter account which is different from the one you use in our Safari browser.

2) You get a nice dock icon with an unread count badge.

3) The feedly Mac app is configured to handle feed:// URLs so that you can easily add new feeds to your feedly.

4) You have the possibility to open articles in a new tab inside the app without having to switch to your web browser.

We know that a lot of you use feedly on a Mac. We are excited to embark on the journey of making the feedly Mac app the most efficient way to organize, read and share the content of your favorite sites.

If you have suggestions on how to improve the experience, please join the open feedly community.

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feedly. Read more, know more应用下载






超级棒的APP,很多人上来乱喷,是因为你们不会。 这个APP跟iPhone ipad上一起来用,再配合pocket,体验棒极了,谁用谁知道。




除了第一次打开能刷出来内容,以后再打开都是一片空白。 说起来是个Mac客户端,但简陋得跟网页版似的,而且还没有网页版好使。 真心很反感开发商这种极不认真的态度。




I don’t know why but, on either web version or mac version, when I try to click “add” on the left sidebar, it always not responds. This is really disappointing...


i like the app for iPad version which works well on my iPad Air, so the Mac version appeals to me at first sight but turn out a disppointed app on my Macbook Pro 13.3 early 2011, not smoothy as that on iPad Air, crushes over & over, really annoying. Hope the developer could improve the stability and smoothiness of the app for Mac, more customer setting features to be provided for sharing and save for later reading.

