Birdie Wings 3 – A game use tiny bubble gp2 slingshot to shoot bad thief flyro flying birds like sky penguin free,Perfect pics,Racing score with riptide tourist,wipeout them & lot of laugh&funny
Annoying bird?Now, you can use the s..
- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 1.4
- 大小:
- 12.5 MB
- 类型:
- 家庭
- 平台:
- 美版
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2013-07-30
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Chaotan Li
Birdie Wings 3 – A game use tiny bubble gp2 slingshot to shoot bad thief flyro flying birds like sky penguin free,Perfect pics,Racing score with riptide tourist,wipeout them & lot of laugh&funny游戏截图
Birdie Wings 3 – A game use tiny bubble gp2 slingshot to shoot bad thief flyro flying birds like sky penguin free,Perfect pics,Racing score with riptide tourist,wipeout them & lot of laugh&funny游戏简介
Annoying bird?Now, you can use the slingshot to shoot it down.
Play with friends or family!
Easy to play, challenging to master!
Beautiful graphics and effects!
login the gamecenter to get a global rank.
类似Birdie Wings 3 – A game use tiny bubble gp2 slingshot to shoot bad thief flyro flying birds like sky penguin free,Perfect pics,Racing score with riptide tourist,wipeout them & lot of laugh&funny游戏

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