Undi PRU14 Malaysian Election
Dewan Rakyat已解散!为第14届大选铺路。 想知道选区位于哪里? 想回忆一下谁代表你参加议会 (Parlimen) 和州议会 (Dewan Undangan Nege..
- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 3.0.8
- 大小:
- 56.2 MB
- 类型:
- 新闻
- 平台:
- iOS
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2018-08-19
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Appandus Sdn. Bhd.
Undi PRU14 Malaysian Election应用截图

Undi PRU14 Malaysian Election应用简介
Dewan Rakyat has been dissolved! Paving the way for the 14th general election.
Want to know where is a constituency located?
Want to recall who represent you in Parliament (Parlimen) and State Assembly (Dewan Undangan Negeri)?
What to know all the previous election results since March 2008?
Want to take a look how is the political parties doing previously?
Want to ‘Semak’ voter registration (Semakan Daftar Pemilih)?
It is all inside the Undi PRU14 app.
Stay tune for content updates and more features are coming as the parliament dissolves, nomination starts and election campaigns on the go.
– All 727 constituencies info included and location tagged.
– All incumbents tagged with their parties.
– Flexible search on any key word like name, constituency id, party name, state, Parliament / DUN
– All election results (include by-elections) since GE/PRU 12 are nicely group into 14 states/territories.
– Quick link to SPR ‘Semakan Daftar Pemilih’ and various related parties.
Information compiled mainly from SPR and Wikipedia.
Please help to feedback on data error / GPS error / suggestions by in-app report function.
Download the app now and share with your friends. Thanks.
Dewan Rakyat已解散!为第14届大选铺路。
想回忆一下谁代表你参加议会 (Parlimen) 和州议会 (Dewan Undangan Negeri)?
想要 ‘Semak ‘选民登记 (Semakan Daftar Pemilih)?
这一切都在Undi PRU14应用程序内。
-自通用电气/PRU 12级以来,所有选举结果 (包括补选) 完全分为14个州/领土。
-快速链接到SPR ‘Semakan Daftar Pemilih ‘和各种相关方。
类似Undi PRU14 Malaysian Election应用