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Learn English Grammar, Writing, Spelling and Vocabulary应用截图

【图】Learn English Grammar, Writing, Spelling and Vocabulary – A simpleNeasyApp by WAGmob(截图1)【图】Learn English Grammar, Writing, Spelling and Vocabulary – A simpleNeasyApp by WAGmob(截图2)【图】Learn English Grammar, Writing, Spelling and Vocabulary – A simpleNeasyApp by WAGmob(截图3)

Learn English Grammar, Writing, Spelling and Vocabulary应用简介

* * * * * WAGmob: An app platform for learning, teaching and training is offering 50% DISCOUNT for a limited time only.Download today!!! * * * * *

WAGmob brings you simpleNeasy, on-the-go learning app for “English Grammar, Writing, Spelling and Vocabulary* “.

You can purchase “Vocabulary” applications from within this app (In-app Purchase) just for $0.99.

The app provides:

1. Snack sized chapters for easy learning.
2. Bite sized flashcards to memorize key concepts.
3. Simple and easy quizzes for self-assessment.

Designed for both students and adults.

This app provides a quick summary of essential concepts in English Grammar, English Writing , English Spelling and English Vocabulary by following snack sized chapters:

(Each chapter has corresponding flashcards and quizzes)

“English Grammar” includes:

Verbs and Adverbs,
Conjunctions and Interjections,
Active and Passive Voice,
Modals and Phrases,
Grammar and Writing,
Common Errors,
Commonly Confused Words.

“English Writing” includes:

Introduction to Writing,
Writing Systems,
Thinking, Planning and Effective Writing,
Grammar and Writing Process,
Scientific Writing and Resume Writing,
Writing Summary,
Writing Business Plans and Emails,
Writing Proposals,
Neurodevelopmental Framework for Learning,
Stages of Writing Skill Development,

“English Spelling” includes:

Importance of Spelling,
Simple Rules of Spelling,
Prefixes and Suffixes,
Capital Rules,
Vowel and Consonant,
Special Words,
Words to Remember,

“English Vocabulary” includes:

A Series 1,
A Series 2,
A Series 3,
A Series 4,
A Series 5,
B Series,
C Series 1,
C Series 2,
D Series 1,
D Series 2,
D Series 3,
E Series 1,
E Series 2,
F Series 1,
F Series 2,
G Series,
H Series,
I Series 1,
I Series 2,
J, K Series,
L Series,
M Series,
N, O Series,
P Series 1,
P Series 2,
P Series 3,
Q Series,
R Series 1,
R Series 2,
S Series 1,
S Series 2,
S Series 3,
T Series 1,
T Series 2,
U Series,
V Series,
W X Y and Z Series.

About WAGmob apps:

1) A companion app for on-the-go, bite-sized learning.

2) Over Three million paying customers from 175+ countries.

Why WAGmob apps:

1) Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy, Massive selection of apps.

2) Effective, Engaging and Entertaining apps.

3) An incredible value for money. Lifetime of free updates!

* * * WAGmob Vision : simpleNeasy apps for a lifetime of on-the-go learning.* * *

* * * WAGmob Mission : A simpleNeasy WAGmob app in every hand.* * *

* * * WAGmob Platform: A unique platform to create and publish your own apps & e-Books.* * *

Please visit us at www.wagmob.com or write to us at Team@wagmob.com.

We would love to improve our app and app platform.

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