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Frog Dissection应用截图

【图】Frog Dissection(截图1)【图】Frog Dissection(截图2)【图】Frog Dissection(截图3)

Frog Dissection应用简介

******* Winner of PeTA’s Mark Twain Ethical Science Award *******
******* Winner of IEAR- Best Science App Award -2010 *******
******* Featured in The Sunday Times- List of Top 500 Apps across all devices *******
******* Featured by Apple “ New and Noteworthy ” & “ What’s Hot ” *******

Frog Dissection from Punflay, is a greener alternative for teaching dissection in the claoom. This iPad app is suitable for middle-school students who are learning about organs and organ systems as part of their life science curriculum. Students can try dissecting a virtual specimen with all the trappings that come with the real procedure-minus the mess of course! Besides a virtual chloroformed specimen, the app comes with all the dissection tools and detailed instructions to complete the procedure. Once dissection is complete, the frog’s organs are exposed for further study. Vivid 3D images will help students visualize the internal organs very effectively. For enhanced learning experience, the app also has information on the different types of frogs, frogs’ life cycle, anatomical comparison of frogs with humans, an interactive quiz and detailed descriptions of the organs.

Key Features:
•Vivid 3D imaging
•Step by step instructions with voice over
•Accurate simulation of the wet lab dissection procedure
•Content validation by subject matter experts
•Anatomical comparison of humans with frogs
•Comprehensive information on frogs’ organs
•Classification, lifecycle and organ functions of frogs
•Interactive quiz on frogs
•Information on types of frogs

The app has been featured in schools that are exploring alternatives to real dissection. The following are some schools that are either considering its use or are using it in their claooms.

Pikes Peak Prep, Colorado
A.D. Rundle Middle School, Chillawack, Canada
Durham Public Schools
Lake County schools technology
The following is a sampling of what the media is saying about Frog Dissection.
“A good introductory biology tool”. -Washington Times
“All that is missing is the smell of Formaldehyde”. – San Francisco Business Times
“A great first attempt at a virtual lab on the iPad”.- IEAR
“A realistic digital frog dissection program”.- School Tech Talk
“Frogs of the world, rejoice”- Recombu
“Those that are in favor of the “traditional” dissection argue that there is no replacement for a real frog. Emantras Interactive Technologies disagrees and have created a quality frog dissection iPad app which can be used as an alternative to real frogs”.-Technologyinclass.com
“It’s a great addition to the tools available for teachers to help their students learn”.- Padgadget.com
“A terrific way for students to learn about dissection”.- Macgasm
“A great option for anyone who wants to “dissect” a frog, without actually dissecting the frog”.-Eduinreview
“Students who are budding animal rights activists can try to convince their teachers that for $2.99, it can maybe replace the real thing in class”.- NY1.com
“The concept is great and the execution was wonderful. I could see an entire line of dissection apps opening up with even more advanced options and social media studying groups etc… Great work by Emantras Inc., and this is a must download in my opinion if you own an iPad.” Slapapp
Whether you are an educator, parent or student, Frog Dissection will be a valuable tool to learn dissection the greener way!

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