This application is a collection of ..
- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 1.2
- 大小:
- 1.5 MB
- 类型:
- 益智解密
- 平台:
- iOS
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2022-09-15
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Anastasiia Goriachevskaya
Fixed Dark Mode; Added 2 new games - Skyscrapers, Easy As ABC; Updated interface.
This application is a collection of puzzles based on Sudoku. It currently contains 11 types of puzzles – Classic Sudoku, Odd-Even Sudoku, Comparison Sudoku, Dots Sudoku, Frame Sudoku, 2D Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Mathrax, No Neighbors, Skyscrapers, Easy As ABC. In the future, the number of games will grow, and various puzzles will be added – not only based on Sudoku. The user interface and usage convenience will also be improved – we appreciate your contributions by providing feedback!
Add your favorite games to your favorites, view game statistics, improve your sudoku solving skills!
拿十!是一个逻辑益智游戏。 伟大的数字游戏为孩子和成人。 一个最好的时间杀手游戏永远! 警告:采取十!导致成瘾! 休闲,上瘾,益智游戏为成人和儿童。 这个数字益智游戏的规则很简单:你的主要目标是通过删除对相等的数字或对加起来十位数从游戏场中删除所有数字。 如果没有更多的动作是可能的,所有剩余的数字将从最后一个单元格重写。 拿十!-拼图与数字,也使孩子们计数和..