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classroom.cloud Student应用截图

【图】classroom.cloud Student(截图1)【图】classroom.cloud Student(截图2)

classroom.cloud Student应用简介

Designed for use within schools and other educational institutions, this Student app for iOS is for use with claoom.cloud, the easy breezy, low-cost, cloud-based IT management, safeguarding and teaching platform for schools.

claoom.cloud is a teacher’s dream come true. Incredibly easy to use, it provides a range of teaching tools that can flex to any learning environment – both in school and with remote learners. From real-time instruction and assessment tools, to boosting collaboration and support, as well as helping manage online behaviour – it has it all!

With the optional safeguarding toolkit, selected staff can monitor online activity, identify students at risk, and spot concerning trends.

And, with its range of IT management tools, school techs can manage teacher and student devices centrally, as well as see at a glance how your technology is being used and how to maximise it – saving you a bunch of time and money!

Once your school has registered online with claoom.cloud, the app can be easily deployed by the IT team to student iPads (iOS 11 and above), enabling teachers to connect instantly and securely to the devices from the cloud-based Teacher console and allowing school techs to deliver instant remote support and device management.

Teacher Tools:

• Choice of flexible connection methods – connect to a pre-defined group of student devices, a specified list of device or student names, or on the fly using a Class Code.

• Easily monitor students’ internet use via crystal-clear thumbnails. You can even zoom in using Watch/View Mode to take a closer look at activity on a single student device, grabbing a real-time screenshot of the student’s screen at the same time, if required.

• Broadcast the teacher’s screen and audio to connected student devices to help show/talk them through explanations and lesson activities.

• Lock students’ screens in a single click to gain attention.

• Present students with the lesson objectives and their expected learning outcomes.

• Chat, send a message, and support your students via help requests – without their peers knowing.

• Get a feel for students’ understanding of the topic you have just taught them by sending out a quick survey for them to respond to.

• See details of the websites that students are currently viewing to check they are focused on the task at hand.

• Restrict internet use by employing ‘approved’ and ‘restricted’ website lists during the lesson.

• Save yourself a heap of time by launching a website on the students’ devices.

• Recognise good work or behaviour by assigning Rewards to students during the lesson.

Technician Tools:

• Retrieve a real-time view of the hardware and software installed on each student device.

• Monitor internet usage.

• Send instant notifications to student iPads.

Safeguarding Tools:

• Keyword monitoring – alerts Safeguarding staff when students type or search for any terms that match with those in the claoom.cloud keyword database – providing safeguarding and internet safety indicators for self-harm, bullying, sexual and criminal exploitation, and much more. Language packs are included to ensure your school can monitor concerning activity in students’ first languages.

• Report a concern – students who feel vulnerable can use the app to ‘report concerns’ directly and discreetly to the safeguarding team.

• Online resources – gives students instant access to a list of relevant online agencies should they want to seek external help with a particular problem or concern.

• The innovation behind claoom.cloud comes from NetSupport, the trusted developer of effective claoom management tools for schools for more than 35 years.

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