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My Diggy Dog 2游戏截图

【图】My Diggy Dog 2(截图1)【图】My Diggy Dog 2(截图2)【图】My Diggy Dog 2(截图3)

My Diggy Dog 2游戏简介

A couple of adventurers named Christopher and Clara once traveled the world in search of ancient treasure and the secrets of the universe. During one of their expeditions they met a cute puppy and named him Marty. Since then he has always traveled with them and is passionate about adventure and digging.

While hunting down a mysterious artifact called the Heart of Space, Clara suddenly disappeared. Exhausted from searching, Christopher returned to camp, where his faithful friend Marty was looking for him. Heartbroken, the experienced adventurer almost gave up on archaeology.

But Marty noticed that his friend was sad, so he became courageous and went alone to look for Clara. The dog found an ancient map with the words “Heart of Space” and something resembling a portal on it. He brought the map to Christopher, which made him excited.

Plucking up their courage, Christopher and Marty decided to finish what they’d started and find the portal to the Heart of Space. Who knows? Maybe this ancient artifact will help them find out what happened to Clara.

About the game:
The gameplay combines the genres of digger and platformer. During their adventures the player will explore dungeons full of challenging puzzles and find a variety of equipment, countless artifacts, and a large space for new discoveries.

-Journey to various locations
-A large map to explore in any direction
-Hidden collectible artifacts
-Large dungeons full of traps and puzzles
-Unique digging mechanics
-Exciting bonus levels
-A dynamic upgrade system
-A touching story full of twists
-Stunning graphics
-Lots of pleasant details in the game world

Have fun!

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My Diggy Dog 2游戏下载
