Moonitor is a crypto currency portfo..
- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 2.6.0
- 大小:
- 78.7 MB
- 类型:
- 财务
- 平台:
- Mac
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2021-05-24
- 价格:
- ¥218
- 开发者:
- Karim Hossenbux
Moonitor is a crypto currency portfolio tracker for Desktop with a slick and user-friendly interface.
It’s designed to give you a clear and real-time overview of your assets.
The App only uses official API from the exchanges for better reliability and precision, supporting Binance, Kraken and Bittrex (with more to come in future updates)
Charts and colors are fully configurable from the settings panel. Make it yours!
Moonitor saves every data on the users’ computer with no hidden intermediary. Nothing is saved online, nothing is collected or sold!
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