Bunch Group Video Chat & Games
群视频聊天,同时玩你最喜欢的游戏! Bunch是第一个多人游戏的群组视频聊天应用程序。它可以让你通过视频与朋友聚会,并一起跳进你最喜欢的多人游戏。这就像一个家庭派对-有惊人的游..
- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 6.17.0
- 大小:
- 199.5 MB
- 类型:
- 休闲 卡牌 社交
- 平台:
- iOS
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2020-09-12
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Bunch Live
Bunch Group Video Chat & Games游戏截图

Bunch Group Video Chat & Games游戏简介
Group video chat with friends while playing your favorite games!
Bunch is the first group video chat app for multiplayer games. It allows you to party up with friends over video, and jump into your favorite multiplayer games together. It’s just like a house party – with amazing games you can play with friends – anytime, anywhere.
Bunch comes bundled with several awesome multiplayer games you can play with friends. You can also launch many of your favorite multiplayer titles – and play them together over video chat!
Here are some of the games that are built-in and exclusively available on Bunch:
◉ Draw Party: Draw silly pictures with your friends, and guess what they are drawing
◉ Mars Dash: Race with friends on hills of Mars
◉ Flappy Lives: Flap through the pipes with friends – the last bird standing wins
◉ Bunch Pool: Play pool with up to 8 friends over video chat
◉ Trivia: Test your knowledge with friends, and see who is the smartest
◉ Stay tuned, more games coming soon!
Want to play a game already downloaded on your phone, but can’t find it on Bunch? Shoot us an email at support@bunch.live – and we’ll make it happen.
– Questions or feedback? email us at: support@bunch.live
– Tag your fun game moments on our instagram: @bunch.live
牛逼画党: 和你的朋友一起画傻傻的图片,猜猜看他们画的是什么
牛马冲刺: 在火星的山丘上与朋友比赛
Flappy Lives: 与朋友一起通过管道拍打-最后一只鸟站着获胜
Bunch Pool: 与多达8个朋友通过视频聊天玩泳池
牛刀琐事: 与朋友一起测试你的知识,看看谁是最聪明的
-问题还是反馈?给我们发电子邮件: support@bunch.live
-在我们的instagram上标记您的有趣的游戏时刻: @ bundle.live