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【图】Interactive e-textbook(截图1)【图】Interactive e-textbook(截图2)【图】Interactive e-textbook(截图3)

Interactive e应用简介

Discover a brand new way for homeschoolers to engage with the Bible! Museum of the Bible set out to combine a student’s love for technology with a textbook on one of the most significant books in the world! Our exclusive Homeschool Curriculum was the result. This Interactive Textbook uses digital media elements with virtual reality technology to engage with the history, narratives, and impact of the Bible. In Volume 1 of the Interactive Textbook, students explore the biblical narratives from Genesis to Ruth. Perfect for the digital media generation, the innovative content design allows students to travel beyond the claoom for more meaningful educational experiences.
• Interactive media elements including virtual reality, animations, 3D models, interactive maps, gamified quizzes, and more.
• Narrative lessons presenting significant concepts, events, and personalities of the Bible.
• History lessons examining historical and archaeological information fostering a better understanding of the Bible and its context.
• Impact lessons connecting the influence of the Bible on societies and cultures over time.

The Interactive Textbook, recommended for the high school learning level in the homeschool setting, allows you to take your curriculum on the go! Wherever your adventures lead – and you can access and study all the material – even while offline.

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