healow Kids
healow Kids允许您与孩子的儿科医生或护理提供者联系,以便您可以查看他们的健康记录,发送和接收安全消息以及预约。它还允许您记录家庭健康监测数据 (如生长,营养和发展里程..
- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 1.2.2
- 大小:
- NaN KB
- 类型:
- 医疗
- 平台:
- 美版
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2021-02-01
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- eClinicalWorks
healow Kids应用截图

healow Kids应用简介
healow Kids allows you to connect with your child’s pediatrician or care providers so you can review their health record, send and receive secure messages, and book appointments. It also allows you to record home health monitoring data (like growth, nutrition, and developmental milestones), and also has tools like the potty trainer and screen time timer. You will receive regular education on wellness and parenting as your child grows. If you have a child under the age of 13, ask your doctor if they are on the healow network of providers and use their unique practice code to log in.
healow Kids允许您与孩子的儿科医生或护理提供者联系,以便您可以查看他们的健康记录,发送和接收安全消息以及预约。它还允许您记录家庭健康监测数据 (如生长,营养和发展里程碑),还具有便盆训练器和屏幕时间计时器等工具。随着孩子的成长,您将接受有关健康和育儿的常规教育。如果您有13岁以下的孩子,请询问您的医生他们是否在healow提供者网络上,并使用其独特的实践代码登录。
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