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冒险 动作
Boris Tsarkov

Clan Of Griffin游戏截图

【图】Clan Of Griffin(截图1)【图】Clan Of Griffin(截图2)【图】Clan Of Griffin(截图3)

Clan Of Griffin游戏简介

Griffin : Half Lion , Half Eagle. Your favorite fantasy creature has come alive. In Clan of Griffon, you have the opportunity to control your very own Griffins. These giant fantasy beasts will fly across the vast landscape while surviving against other fantasy creatures like Dragons, Cerberus, the Flying Monster, the 3 Tailed Wolf, giant Venus fly traps, and Dinosaurs. Part animal simulator and part adventure, this griffon simulator will take you on an epic journey as you establish your family, use your magic, defend against enemies that attack, and ultimately defeat all the Super Bosses. Ultimate action in a fantasy game setting. Huge open world style game.

GAMEPLAY HINT : Call your family members when you are close to enemies.

**Customize your Griffin color
**Massive 3D Open World Map
**Flying Monsters, Venus Fly Traps, Giant Wolves, Dinosaurs enemies
**Explore Mountains,Caves, and Rivers
**Dont forget to look behind the waterfall
**4 Magic Spells – Fireball, Invincibility, Lightning Bolt, and Healing
**Dynamic weather including snow and rain storms

The story begins by you finding all the members of your clan. Call the other family members when you need help against the enemies.

Find the magic spell books to unlock the special magical spells including: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Healing Potion, and Invincibility. Earn adventure points by hunting and doing various tasks to upgrade and purchase magic. Keep an eye out for the Plant Monsters!

Like the Dragon, these fantasy beast can fly and cast magic spells. Build your warriors and use them to defend your territory against other clans.

Upgrade your magical ability, become more powerful, and have stronger defense.

Clan of Griffin : animal simulation like you have never seen it. Your favorite fantasy elements combined with realistic animal simulation.

Evolved is a series of games we created at Wild Foot. We would really like to hear from you. Come and stop by our Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/wildfootgames for updates. Check out our new Epic Quest series soon to be released.

Be sure and check out our other 3D animal simulators. We understand that the game is by no means perfect and we welcome your constructive criticism. Please email your suggestions or post them on Facebook. Good luck!

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Clan Of Griffin游戏下载
