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Foscam HD 2 Lite应用截图

【图】Foscam HD 2 Lite(截图1)【图】Foscam HD 2 Lite(截图2)【图】Foscam HD 2 Lite(截图3)

Foscam HD 2 Lite应用简介

Please note that this is the LITE version. The PRO version is also available! CURRENTLY IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO UPGRADE FROME LITE TO PRO. NO REFUNDS. WHEN IN DOUBT, GO PRO!

Foscam HD 2 Lite is a cheaper version of our Foscam HD 2 Pro app (formerly known as Foscam Surveillance 2 Pro), the best-selling camera app for Foscam. It’s the only app you need for controlling your Foscam cameras. Wether you want to protect your business or home, keep an extra eye on you elderly mother or don’t want to miss a single second of your new-born baby: this is the app you need.

Highlights (for an overview of features see http://foscamapp.com/2/features/):

– Shows the full HD streams of the cameras (in contrast to those other apps that show a scaled down, low framerate image)
– Show 2 cameras simultaneously (two camera can be configured, to add a third one you’ll first need to remove one)
– Supports most Foscam MJPEG and HD cameras
– Motion detection
– Sound detection for cameras that support it
– Pan/tilt
– Two-way audio (currently only for Foscam MJPEG cameras)
– Connection monitoring
– Patrol
– Presets
– Optical zoom for cameras that support it
– HTTPS support for Foscam HD camera models that support it
– Mail server setup from within the app
– Find camera in the network
– And much much more

The PRO version has these additional features:
– Unlimited number of cameras to configure
– Mosaic view with 4 or 6 camera simultaneously
– Show cameras on your Today Screen
– iPad support (and not just scaled up!)
– Support for zones
– Support for international and Chinese Foscam models
– Support for most JPEG, MJPEG and H264 camera of other brands
– Preliminary support for Amcrest cameras!
– Advanced camera settings (pan/tilt speed, mirror/flip settings, etc)

Please note that not all features are available for all cameras!

Supported Foscam models: C1 C2 FI8601 (MJPEG) FI8602 (H264) FI8602 (MJPEG) FI8604 FI8605 FI8608W FI8620 FI8901W FI8902W FI8903W FI8904W FI8905W/FI8905E FI8906W FI8907 FI8907W FI8908W FI8909W FI8909W-NA FI8910W FI8916W FI8918W/FI8918E FI8918W/FI8918E reversed pan FI8919W FI9800P/FI9800EP FI9801W FI9802W FI9803 FI9803P V1 FI9803P V2 FI9803W FI9804W FI9805W FI9816P FI9818W V1 FI9818W V2 FI9820W FI9821E FI9821P FI9821W V1 FI9821W V2 FI9826P FI9826W FI9828P V2 FI9828W/FI9828P V1 FI9831W/FI9831P FI9851W/FI9851P FI9853W/FI9853P/FI9853EP FI9900P/FI9900EP
FI9903P/FI9903EP FosBaby R2
For a complete list, see http://foscamapp.com/2/cameras/

3G/4G or wireless network connection required, for use outside your home network you’ll need to setup portforwarding on your router or setup a ѴРИ connection, see the FAQ.

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Foscam HD 2 Lite应用下载
