
13.6 MB


- added 2 new widgets a large one for all devices and a extra large only for the iPad - changed some Localizations




myBiorhythm lets you visualize the Biorhythm for a given Birthday for Today or at any given Date. It has an Overview of the best and worst Days for the selected Year and also show’s you the Percentage and the Icons on your Apple Watch as App or Complication.
In Landscape Mode you can see an increased Graph with more days.
The additional Database Module allows you to store a multitude of different Birthdays and to swap between them quickly and easily just by ‘selecting’ which one has to be active. The Group Module lets you create Group of Persons and see their curves as a median value and the current day for each person at a glance.

According to the theory of Biorhythms, a person’s life is influenced by rhythmic biological cycles that affect his or her ability in various domains, such as mental, physical and emotional activity. These cycles begin at birth and oscillate in a steady fashion throughout life, and by modeling them mathematically, it is suggested that a person’s level of ability in each of these domains can be predicted from day to day. The theory is built on the idea that the biofeedback chemical and hormonal secretion functions within the body could show a sinusoidal behavior over time.

The free Version only offers the primary Values, via InApp Purchase you can upgrade to the full version and benefit from additional Values plus the combined Line and another View that shows you the best and worst Days of the Year.


最好的生物节律应用程序可在应用程序商店! 用3个简单的图形和小部件日复一日地找出你的生物节律是什么! 该应用程序可让您知道任何日期的生物节律,因此您将始终知道即将发生的事情! ..
最好的生物节律应用程序可在应用程序商店! 用3个简单的图形和小部件日复一日地找出你的生物节律是什么! 该应用程序可让您知道任何日期的生物节律,因此您将始终知道即将发生的事情! 购买专业版,您也可以验证这对夫妇的亲和力!**
A biorhythm is an attempt to predict..
A biorhythm is an attempt to predict various aspects of a person's life through simple mathematical cycles. This is simple, nice and useful application to provide functions: - Draw..
我们的生活受到有节律的生物周期 (生物节律) 的影响,这些周期在你出生时开始以窦性曲线移动,并在你的整个生命中持续,以多种方式影响你。特别重要的四个节奏是: 身体,情感,智力和..
我们的生活受到有节律的生物周期 (生物节律) 的影响,这些周期在你出生时开始以窦性曲线移动,并在你的整个生命中持续,以多种方式影响你。特别重要的四个节奏是: 身体,情感,智力和直觉。 关键日是从上到下穿过x轴时具有特定节奏的一天。关键阶段是个人最脆弱的时间,与特定节奏相关的能力可能非常低。这时你会收到通知。 用户可以选择要查看的周期。
留下稳定的记录,得到身体的迹象! 这个应用程序分析记录的信号,并可视化它们,以帮助您管理饮食,身体状况,皮肤和精神! 皮尔逊相关计算用于科学地管理你的身心,为你提供关于你的身体..
留下稳定的记录,得到身体的迹象! 这个应用程序分析记录的信号,并可视化它们,以帮助您管理饮食,身体状况,皮肤和精神! 皮尔逊相关计算用于科学地管理你的身心,为你提供关于你的身体信号随着时间的推移如何相互关联的建议。
什么是脑电波? 请参考下面的详细说明 请注意:以下文章来自wellandgood网站(https://www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/brainwaves-biohack-sleep-health-focus)引用 “ 5种类型的脑电波 现在,这很有趣:脑电波分为五个不同的类别,每个类别都与一种非常特定的任务和精神状态相关。 ..
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如果你对能量治疗感兴趣,发现治疗应用程序是必须的。免费试用7天。 这个应用程序提供便携式,全面访问布拉德利 · 纳尔逊博士的身体代码系统,以及情绪代码®。这些突破性的方式简化了能量治疗,使它很容易在自己或所爱的人。(该应用程序的免费版本仅包含情感代码)。发现治疗应用程序可以帮助你: * 释放被困的情绪能量或 “被困的情绪”,以实现平..
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myBiorhythm lets you visualize the B..
myBiorhythm lets you visualize the Biorhythm for a given Birthday for Today or at any given Date. It has an Overview of the best and worst Days for the selected Year and also show'..
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