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This update includes enhanced location specific seasonal bass pattern alerts, recommended baits by cover type for your exact fishing location, visibility to key weather variables affecting the BassForecast Rating, a 5 Day, FREE, No-Risk, Premium Trial, $10 Tackle Warehouse e-Gift card with $9.99 Annual Subscription, and Bug Fixes.




BassForecast is the hottest Bass fishing forecast app. In our Pro Angler catch rate study, 68% more Bass were caught per hour than the average during top 20% BassForecast Rated days and a whopping 305% more during top 10% rated days.

Designed exclusively for avid Bass Anglers and powered by AccuWeather, BassForecast analyzes many variables proven to affect Bass feeding behavior to produce a BassForecast Rating (BFR) from 1 (very tough conditions) to 10 (excellent conditions), for each day over the next 10 days…for any location worldwide.

Knowing the feeding mood of the fish helps you in 2 big ways:
#1 – Our rating system helps you plan 10 days in advance to be fishing during the highest rated days, which increases your odds.
#2 – Our new Adapted Patterns section helps you figure out bass catching patterns faster…even on low rated, tough days. How many times have you left the lake wondering what you could have done differently? BassForecast Adapted Patterns offers Location, Presentation and Bait Tips, dynamically adjusted to each day’s conditions, rating and season.
Most importantly, BassForecast automatically updates its Ratings and Tips based on real-time weather forecasts & conditions. Just enter your desired fishing locations and BassForecast does all the work for you.

To develop its proprietary BassForecast Rating system, BassForecast researched temperature transfer reports from water engineers and bass feeding behavior research reports from fishery biologists. The system analyzes past actual and future forecast temperatures applying the Temperature Time Lag Effect© because water temps LAG air temps. It also adjusts for seasonal hours of daylight, wind speed & direction, moon phases, peak feeding periods, sky conditions, rain….and atmospheric frontal conditions since Bass feed more actively during a rapidly falling barometer and less actively following a rapidly rising barometer.

Everything you need to plan the most effective Bass fishing trip are in this app! And now ALL users are provided an automatic, No-Commitment & Risk-Free, 5 Day Trial of BassForecast Premium.

Premium Users have access to:

• 10 Days in advance BassForecast Ratings so you can pick the best days (and times) to Bass fish

• 10 Day Forecast for Adapted Patterns to give you new ideas on Location, Presentation and Baits so you can figure out how to catch bass more consistently.

• Complete Pattern Recommendations including Top 5 Recommended Baits, Top Lake Structures to Fish, and Presentation Tips for every day in the upcoming 10 days, are all adapted to changing weather patterns, the BassForecast Rating, and proven seasonal catch data

• Push Notifications of “Good” and “Epic” days to Bass fish 10 days in advance

• Understand the Environmental Factors at Play with “BassForecast Explained”

• Track up to 10 favorite fishing destinations simultaneously so you can compare and choose your destination based on live data

• View AccuWeather 10 Day Forecast details in-app including temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed & direction, % chance of rain, and expected rainfall amount

• Access GPS Specific Complete Solunar coverage including sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset, moon overhead/underfoot & major/minor feeding times

• Quickly view 10 days of past weather information to plan your fishing strategy so you can see how your locations have been affected by rainfall amounts and wind direction to help locate Bass

• View 12-month Calendar function for planning future trips around long range new and full moon phases

• Store catch data, location, rating, pictures, dates and conditions in the Catch Log, which can be shared or kept private

• Monitor approaching fronts and storms while on the water with in-app access link to live local Radar

Terms of Use: http://www.bassforecast.com/terms.html
Privacy Policy: http://www.bassforecast.com/privacy.html


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最完整的钓鱼应用程序。周报,60K+钓鱼热点,新鲜到咸我们有你涵盖新手到专业。全球海洋天气、潮汐和垂钓者鱼种。 专业垂钓者的使命和持续努力是为您带来绝对一流的专业垂钓报告和垂钓秘密,让您获得更多的鱼,提供适当的法规,向垂钓者提供所有可能的环境/物种统计数据,并向所有年龄段的人推广这项伟大的运动。 垂钓应用程序垂钓地点、海洋天气、潮汐和垂钓者鱼种,您一直在寻找..
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#1 Bass Fishing App
BassForecast is the hottest Bass fishing forecast app. In our Pro Angler catch rate study, 68% more Bass were caught per hour than the average during top 20% BassForecast Rated day..

