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Forex News Pro应用截图

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Forex News Pro应用简介

Currency Financial News, is your one-stop independent app on news that affect currency movements. It curates news on major currencies from USD to RMB, and includes market, political and economic data that may move forex in small and big ways. Intelligently sourced from major news wire and expert networks.

Who ultimately wins this currency war? Collapse of US dollar? Will US raise interest rates further? Why are all central banks chasing rates to the bottom? Will RMB Yuan continues to weaken? Will there be a Brexit? How currencies affect the stocks market, oil price and gold price? How should you protect your own wealth?

Currency Financial News app aim to help you in finding answers on the above.

By following what experts like Jim Rogers, Marc Faber and Peter Schiff are analysing, either through the news or videos. Or read and watch special economic and political features by Bloomberg, Economist, WSJ and Zerohedge. You would be able to make cohesive and intelligent decision points to buy or sell a currency, for short term or long term.

Exclusive benefits include:
1) Access to highly specific news related to 13 currencies – AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD JPY, MYR, RUB, SGD, THB and USD.
2) Daily updated video on forex headlines, signals and technicals
3) Daily updated financial and political news affecting currency movements
4) Daily updated Economic Data on major countries
5) Latest tweets related to major currency pairs, central bank decisions and traders’ actions
6) Ability to favourite articles and videos for future viewing or share videos and news across major social platform.

Any enquiries or feedback, please direct to info@tinyprss[dot][com].

Please leave a review and rating too!

Good luck with the pips!

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