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Swaminarayan Books SSDM应用截图

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Swaminarayan Books SSDM应用简介

One of the most important welfare activities of the ‘mission’ is the spread of God’s word through its publications, Books are the most illuminating means of spreading among people ‘shuddha gnana’ -pure knowledge about the essential nature of God and teach the millions of seeker how to perfect their spiritual means of ‘dhyana’ -meditation, ‘upasana’ -worship, ‘bhakti’ -devotion and ‘dharma’ -absolute faith in the supremacy of Lord Shri Swaminarayan and His Muktas. True knowledge alone can awaken the society and inspire the individuals to attain clear understanding about the nature and attributes of God and lead them to identify themselves with God. Books are the most powerful tools for achieving social, academic and spiritual progress of mankind. With a view to giving the readers some simple self – help books, the mission decided to publish useful spiritual books under the title : ‘Omni beneficial Series’.

Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission has published more than 75 books till now. This app offers user more than 50 books published by Shri Swaminrayan Dinvine Mission. Some of these books are:
– Sarvapopari Bhagvan Shri Swamiarayan
– Shikshapatri
– Janmangal Namavali
– Anadi Muktaraj Sadguru Shri Gopalanand Swami ni Vato (Tales of wisdom)
– Divya Gnanamrut
– Life of Anadi Muktaraj Param Pujya Shri Somchandbhai Jivrajbhai Mehta – Preaching Through Letters
– Tales of wisdom by Gnanacharya Anadi Mukta Sadguruvarya Shri Vrundavandasji
– Kirtan Madhuri
– Kirtanavali composed by Shri Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj
– Shikshapatri Rahsyarth
– Life of Anadi Mahamuktaraj Shri Abjibapashri
– Samagra Jivan-no Yog (Yoga for Entire Life)
– Panch Vartman – Five Moral Codes
– Manoyatra – Pilgrimage of Mind
– Vachanamrut Margdarshika 1,2,3
– Shikshpatri Rahsyasar
– and many more

Features of this app:
– More than 50 books to download
– Universal Search – Search in all books you have downloaded
– Highlight and write notes
– Easily share the content you like
– Automatic backup of your data (Requires registration and login)
– Easily synchronize data between multiple devices

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