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卡牌 策略


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Blindfold Rummy游戏截图

【图】Blindfold Rummy(截图1)【图】Blindfold Rummy(截图2)

Blindfold Rummy游戏简介

Blindfold Games are entertainment apps provided as a service to the visually impaired community by Objective Ed. Your in-app upgrades pay for the development and support of these games.

Rummy is a fully accessible Rummy card game for both sighted and visually impaired people, designed for rapid audio play.

Rummy comes with Gin Rummy where most or all of the cards can be combined into sets and runs and the point value of the remaining unmatched cards is low. When you have very few cards that are not in a set or a run, you can knock, and the player with the lowest points in their hand wins the round.

The game is played until 100 points, or whatever target score you set, is achieved by one of the players. You play against up to 3 computer players.

You can customize the game to your liking: how much extra information is spoken and how quickly it is spoken, how many sound effects are used amongst other things. And you can post your high scores to Twitter or Facebook.

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