
108.6 MB


This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate. * Updating course data structure. * Display notification for the attendee when restarting a webcast.

VE Connect应用截图

【图】VE Connect(截图1)【图】VE Connect(截图2)【图】VE Connect(截图3)

VE Connect应用简介

Experience a better way to engage in content with VE Connect! Search, discover, and connect with content, peers, and experts to get more out of your digital event experience.

Features include:
• Accessing Live and VOD webcasts complete with video, slides, Q&A, polling and much more
• Mobile eLearning courses and certification
• Search and discovery of content
• Interactivity with built-in chat and networking tools
• Engagement with subject matter experts
• And much more…

Joining an event
• Click on the event URL and complete your registration.
• On your VE confirmation screen, tap to download the app or tap ‘Enter’ if you already have the app installed.
• Enjoy!

• Prior to joining your first virtual environment, the VE app must be installed.
• A minimum iOS version of 5.0 and above is required.
• Users must be on a WiFi or 3G/4G network connection with a recommended broadband connection of at least 2 Mbps.
• Presentation quality is dependent upon quality of the network connection.
• Smartphones only support Conference Centers and Webcasts. Please use a tablet if attending an eLearning course or virtual event with booths.

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VE Connect应用下载
