
17.6 MB


Graphics update Minor bugfixes Improved journal editor




Welcome to the app of FaithNLR, Faith Baptist Church of North Little Rock, Arkansas! Connect to our community, live stream our services, or watch our weekend gatherings at your convenience. Take notes of each sermon using the forms provided. Follow along with your choice of Bible translation. Giving is also made easy through our app. Just click and give by card or bank account. If you are new to our church, be sure to click the New Here button to connect with us and get plugged into our community. Have a prayer need? Let us know and we will be pleased to lift your concern in prayer. And don’t forget to allow push notifications so you are kept up to date on the latest happenings at FaithNLR.

* Podcast: Listen to the latest sermon or lookup a previous one in the podcast library.
* Digital Bible: Enter in the passage you want or use quick keys to go directly to the passage you desire to read.
* Free Audio Bible: Click listen and you are instantly listening to the daily devotional plan. You can also look up any passage you want, the listen tab is in the bottom right hand corner at all times.

Share content with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email.
* Facebook: You can share a Bible passage, journal entry or anything in the app with one click.
* Twitter: You can tweet a Bible passage, reading plan, journal entry or just a note with ease.

* Daily Bible Reading Plan: The Pursue Bible reading plan takes you through the Old Testament once a year and through the New Testament twice a year. Average reading or listening time is 15 minutes a day.
* Free Customizable Journal: The Pursue Journal is designed to give you the freedom to journal whenever and however you desire. Entries are fully secure for your privacy, yet at any time you can share them via Facebook, twitter or email.
* Cloud Based Journal: Your Pursue Journal is accessible online anytime at www.PursueJournal.com. This allows you to be able to add entries anywhere, anytime and they are automatically linked to your FaithNLR app.

WiFi Internet is required for iPod touch.

For more information about FaithNLR, please visit:

For more information about Pursue Journal, please visit: http://www.pursuegod.com

The FaithNLR app was created by “Custom Church Apps TM”

Web: www.customchurchapps.com
Email: Support@customchurchapps.com


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* 어떠한 서비스를 이용하셔도 적립금을 드리고 있습니다.
또한 추천인제도가 있어서 추천인이 사용하셔도 적립금을 드리고 있습니다.
추천을 많이 하시면 하실수록 ..
* 어떠한 서비스를 이용하셔도 적립금을 드리고 있습니다.
또한 추천인제도가 있어서 추천인이 사용하셔도 적립금을 드리고 있습니다.
추천을 많이 하시면 하실수록 계속 쌓여가는 적립금~~

 * 최상의 서비스로 보답하겠습니다.
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与我们联系,并准备好与耶稣一起生活,内外生活。 特殊功能: * 播客: 收听最新的讲道或在播客库中查找上一个讲道。 * 数字圣经: 输入您想要的段落,或使用快速键直接转到您想要阅读的段落。 * 免费音频圣经: 点击听,你立即收听每日灵修计划。您也可以查找任何您想要的段落,“收听” 选项卡始终位于右下角。 社会融合: 通过Twitter,Faceb..
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