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Finding Missing Number In Multiplication应用截图

【图】Finding Missing Number In Multiplication(截图1)【图】Finding Missing Number In Multiplication(截图2)【图】Finding Missing Number In Multiplication(截图3)

Finding Missing Number In Multiplication应用简介

In this program there is a multiplication problem at the top of the screen with the second number blank. The program voice says (for instance) “Two times what number makes eight? Click the correct answer.” There are four numbers at the bottom of the screen, and the student should click the correct choice from among them. If the student clicks the correct number, the voice says “Yes, two times four is eight.”


Vertical Multiplication
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged vertically.

Horizontal Multiplication
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged horizontally.

Prompt with Blink
This is checked by default. If the student fails to find the correct answer within ten seconds, the program guides him/her to the correct choice by making the correct choice blink.

Congratulatory Animation
This box is checked by default. When this is checked, clicking the correct number invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.

Select Random Numbers
If this is selected then the answer number will be random order, which are the selected number on the selection.

Here, the student can test him/herself.

This displays results of the “Test”. The report (Holds Only 20 Records).

Grade On/Off: If it is on, app will monitor correct and wrong responses by the student

Correct Answer: When a student response to a question with correct answer

Wrong Answer: When a student response to a question with wrong answer

Number of Total Attempt: Number of times a student tried to answer questions in the app.

Bar Chart: Represents the student’s performance graphically.

Detail Report: Test results including the grade. object identified, distracter and time taken to finish the test.

Print: This will print the grade or data on the screen.

Clear Data: This button erase all the data that was stored and free up the memory that data was occupying.


在此程序中,屏幕顶部存在一个乘法问题,第二个数字为空白。节目声音说 (例如) “两倍是八的数字?单击正确的答案。 “屏幕底部有四个数字,学生应从其中单击正确的选择。如果学生点击正确的数字,声音会说 “是的,两次四是八。”








这将显示 “测试” 的结果。该报告 (仅保存20条记录)。

成绩开/关: 如果打开,应用程序将监视学生的正确和错误反应

正确答案: 当学生用正确答案回答问题时

错误答案: 当学生回答错误答案时

总尝试次数: 学生尝试在应用程序中回答问题的次数。

条形图: 以图形方式表示学生的表现。

详细报告: 测试结果包括等级。确定的对象,干扰因素和完成测试的时间。

打印: 这将在屏幕上打印成绩或数据。

清除数据: 此按钮擦除所有存储的数据,并释放数据占用的内存。

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